Assistant Professor
School of Computing
National University of Singapore

My passions lie at the intersection of AI, systems and their applications in science and beyond. Throughout my academic and industry journey, I have engaged with various tiers of the technology landscape and acquired hands-on experience in data science, core systems, advanced cloud infrastructures, and a diverse range of AI applications. The research topics I am interested in include:

  • Machine learning, data and cloud systems: I am building next gen systems for AI, as the cloud architecture evolving in the era of large generative models. Please refer to our vision paper.

  • Data-centric AI: I am interested in applying AI in data science and analytics with multi-modal inputs. Topics include data integration, exploration and algorithms.

  • AI for science: This is a comprehensive playground for systems, data, and AI research to derive real-world values. Currently I am exploring AI for finance and economics.

I received PhD from the University of Washington in 2018. After that, I spent 5 years as a researcher in the Data Systems group at Microsoft Research Redmond.